EU GSP Scheme of Self Certification

The European Union (EU) has amended its Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Scheme by introducing the concept of self-certification from 1.1.2017 onwards. However, there is grace period of 1 year i.e. until 31.12.2017 for exporters to use the existing 3rd party certification from the agencies authorised to issue the GSP certificates. However, from 1.1.2018 onwards, all Indian exporters exporting to the EU under the GSP would need to type out the “statement on origin” on a commercial document in order to avail of the GSP tariff benefits.

The DGFT office has issued Public Notice 51 dated 30.12.2016 (Concept Note), outlining the specifics of the implementation of the EU GSP self-certification scheme in India. This action aims to offer exporters clear guidance on the execution of the EU GSP self-certification scheme.